August 23, 2012

Nursery Inspiration

I occupy much of my day dreaming of what my little girl's nursery should look like.  I love the look of a romantic but crisp all white nursery, but at the same time I don't want it to be too fussy.  I like playful colors and whimsy too!

I picked up this bamboo mobile from Petit Collage when Gilt featured them a couple months ago.  Other items I have my eye on are the KC for Kerry Cassill Crib Sheet and Bumper Set and these darling bunny bookends.

I have already been feeling Quinn move for about a month now, but two nights ago while I was working I felt her move from the outside for the first time when I placed my hand on my belly.  Last night L felt it too. He was pretty excited about it.

1 comment:

  1. all of these tiny details for a nursery are way too beautiful! and what an incredible feeling to feel your baby move from the outside. beautiful!
    xo TJ
